Special Educational Needs
At Morley Meadow Primary School, we believe that all children deserve the very best start to their education and provide an inclusive learning environment where all children can flourish. We provide childen with the correct care, guidance and nurture to support them in meeting their full potential.
Our special educational needs co-ordinator is Mrs John. You can speak to Mrs John on the school gate or via the school office.
We liaise closely with parents, outside agencies and the local authority to ensure that children with SEND have their needs met in the very best possible way. We ensure that all staff are 'teachers of SEND' and use universal, targeted and specialist strategies to support children, in line with our graduated approach.
The SEND information report below will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about Morley Meadow's provision for children with special educational needs or disabilities and how teaching is adapted to meet the needs of all learners.
To find out more information about Plymouth’s local offer for children with SEND and their families, click Plymouth Local Offer.
Plymouth Information, Advice and Support for SEND (PIAS) provides information, advice and support relating to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) for parents, carers, children and young people within the Plymouth Local Authority area. You can contact them via their website by clicking Plymouth Information, Advice & Support.